In this fourth installment, Five Lakes Founder and President Nick Partridge discusses the Five Lakes approach. The case study continues as Nick looks at the two ways Five Lakes was able to meet the clients goals. In planning to leave networks, Five Lakes was also helpful working to maximize reimbursements and streamline participation. Through PPO negotiations and optimizations, the practice would realize more than $42,000 annually while setting up to leave PPO’s. This effort helped shrink participation, which made for fewer plans to drop and also produced a substantial ROI.
This case study is a great example of how Five Lakes works with your practice to develop a roadmap to PPO freedom. Happy viewing!
The Five Points from Five Lakes series is designed to help educate practices about why PPO negotiations are only part of a comprehensive PPO insurance participation strategy. Your insurance participation strategy should reflect your business goals with support from market data, practice data and information about available PPO plans in your area. Five Lakes provides the most comprehensive analysis to develop the optimal plan PPO participation strategy for your practice.
Read practical tips to drive patient volume this fall. Tip #2, find hygiene appointments to fill the schedule.
Read practical tips to drive patient volume this fall. Tip #1, continue to communicate your offices protocols to keep patients safe.
Dental providers affected by COVID have a number of resources available to support their successful re-opening. CARES Act monies are available through August 3, 2020.
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